Friday, May 8, 2009

holy spirit, set us free.

Today is "Study Day" at my school, a day they specifically set aside so everyone can begin to study for finals. How many hours of said "Study Day" have I devoted to studying? One and a half. Should I be studying right now? Probably. Am I deciding to write about what God is doing in my life instead? Absolutely.

This semester, I have been learning so much about freedom in Christ. I am so blessed to have an amazing church family here at college (Victory Christian Center), and one thing that we've been talking a lot about in the college group time before regular church is the Holy Spirit. He is constantly speaking fresh words of revelation to each of us, but sometimes in our busy lives, we forget to continue to listen with our spirit. I have been trying to remember to do that lately, and during Warriors (a Thursday night student-led worship service at school) last week, I got this picture in my mind that I was led to pray over. I got a picture of looking down a tube, and I was trying to see down the tube, but there was all this crap on the insides of the tube. Think of a Plavix commercial or something, when they show you blood clots forming on the side of an artery, and you get the picture. I heard God say that this crusty tube represented a lot of Christians out there, including me. In my attempt to "live life to the fullest," I crowd myself with all of these things that are so unnecessary and distracting. I focus on things that are not of God, and I lose sight of what really matters in life. Sometimes I get so busy that I convince myself that God would appreciate me sleeping instead of doing my devotions or praying, because I would "probably just fall asleep anyway." How often I fall into that trap of substituting the good for the best. Then when something bad happens in my life, I turn around to immediately blame God, asking, "Where were you when I needed you?!"

I really should be hearing "Emily, where were YOU?" I have all of this junk crowding up my tube that seems like it should be good, but the only purpose it's really serving is to hold me back from what God has. Just like an artery gets clogged, this spiritual tube the Holy Spirit desires to flow through and fill can get clogged up with things of the world. God cannot fully work in and through us if we do not allow Him to make us clean! I just was so overwhelmed with the sense of being held back from whatever God has that I couldn't help but pray, "God blow away this chaff in my life-make me free to worship you with all that I am, for You are so worthy!" All I desire is for the Holy Spirit to sweep through that spiritual tube, and brush all of that stuff away so that I am empty and clear for Him to fill up and flow through. I prayed that for myself that night, but also for those worshipping around me, that we would just be able to experience the freedom that comes from being empty of ourselves, giving the Holy Spirit control to do whatever He wants with our surrendered hearts. That is what I pray right now more than anything, that Jesus would just take control and use me. Holy Spirit, set me free.

As I go back to studying for finals and listening to some random marching band drum past my window, be blessed, and be set free.

All to Him,

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