Friday, June 12, 2009

sunshine and dirty nappies.

To whoever prayed for sun in South Africa yesterday: you are a prayer warrior! The beautiful sun is in the sky and I am very thankful to not be cold anymore. Thanks!

Random fact about living in South Africa: there are ants everywhere. As in, I literally just smushed one with my finger that was crawling next to this computer. There are also cockroaches in our kitchen. Gross!!! They freak me out every time they randomly zip out from underneath the microwave.

I just found out this morning that one of my girls is being adopted in July! I can't even believe it. Another girl has been found a potential family also, but for August. It is so weird to me...I almost feel like I don't want to give them up, even though I KNOW that they're not really mine! Most working days, though, I feel like a mother with six children.

Please pray, though, because today I only have five children. One of the kids I look after (the one who is permanently on oxygen) went to the hospital yesterday. She is very, very sick, and has to stay there indefinitely. Her first birthday is at the end of this month, so please pray that she will be home by then. Her entire little life is a miracle, as doctors predicted that she would never live this long. Please pray that she is able to come back home for her birthday! All of her previous doctors and nurses are will be a big bash. :)

Funny story about my day so far: one of the little boys I look after has become a pooping MACHINE yesterday and today. Yesterday, I seriously changed about FIVE dirty diapers from him alone, and when I say dirty, I mean like it was starting to explode out of his diaper (or "nappie," as they say in South Africa). It was ridiculous. This morning I went to change him, and it was only I was immediately prepared for a big one later on. However, I went to check on him and two others in the bath a few minutes later, and he had POOPED ALL OVER THE BATHTUB!! It was literally EVERYWHERE. Sickening. Oh and yeah-guess who had to clean it up? Lovely.

Too much information? :)

All to Him,


  1. Um...yeah pretty nasty. I'm glad the sun came out! God is good. Remember that you do this unto the Lord! I'm praying for you!

  2. Oh that is disgusting. Yes, too much information. Glad the sun came out, and I will definitely pray for your little girl.

  3. Thanks for the details on the poop :-) I think that I would never want to be in your apartment house with cockroaches!!!! If I already get scared by spiders... just think what would happen if I saw a cockroach!!! :-) I'll be praying for you and the little girl in the hospital. Hopefully it will be sunny from now on! I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH EM!!!! *Hannah*

  4. Oh my gosh Em, I can totally relate to the changing diaper thing. I am working with 1-year-olds five days a week, and I experience plenty of dirty diapers just like you. But that is really gross!!!

    Glad to hear all is well.

  5. Great stories Em! I do not envy that part of your job :) I pray for you often - I love you!!
