Wednesday, May 27, 2009

it's actually here.

So, I'm sitting in the airport right now, and my flight to London is boarding in about 15 minutes. I am sitting slouched in a chair looking out the window, and I just still can't believe that this is my life right now. I. am. going. to. AFRICA. I almost had a little panic attack after I checked my two bags and started walking to the gate-I was thinking, "What the HECK am I doing?? This is crazy!!" I am so excited, though, to just trust that God knows and that I really only need to know one step at a time.

Right now, that one step is making sure I didn't lose my ticket already (don't worry, Dad, I didn't-that was a joke. My ticket is right next to me on the seat.) and finding my aisle seat (YES!). It is a little bittersweet leaving home, but I am so much looking forward to what is ahead.

I'll update as soon as I can when I arrive in SOUTH AFRICA!!! I land tomorrow at 9:00 AM (SA that's 3:00 AM in the US). My flight is calling me...

All to Him,


  1. I will be praying for you all day, Emily, God is present, He is peace and He is your Shepperd!

  2. Aisle seats are the bomb on african flights! hope the food is good too. i got this chicken/noodle moroccan stuff on my flight last week... praying for safe travel and that God speaks to you every step of the way this summer. take some time to stop during your travels to reflect on Him.

  3. thanks, em's mom. I debated over how to spell that for like 2 mins. Em, God is going to so move while your there....

  4. It's Tue morning and I'm praying for you... I'm hoping to see an updated blog soon that you got there :-)
