Tuesday, July 14, 2009

changes in starfish.

Hi everyone! Wow, it has been a crazy past few days. Where to begin?

Well, last week one of my boys was transferred to the toddler house! He turned one last month and just learned to walk, so he will be fine there. The sad thing is that I can't see him every day anymore, but I am glad that his development is to the point where he can move up on the food chain here. We also moved one of the babies from upstairs to downstairs with us in Starfish. He was having some trouble with early development, so we all decided it was best to try to remedy it now before it becomes more of an issue. He is three months old, and so cute!

We also got a new 11-month old from the hospital who has cerebral palsy. Her story breaks my heart. Early in her life, her mother dropped her off at a creche, sort of like a daycare center. She never came back to pick her up, and during her time at the creche she contracted meningitis. Creches stop taking care of children who aren't monetarily supported by their families, so this meningitis got worse and worse until she was admitted to the hospital. At the hospital, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. What kills me is that her entire condition could not have only been treated, but prevented. Now her muscles are tight and her joints do not bend, it is difficult for her to swallow things, she can only open her right eye, and she sleeps most of the time due to her medicine cocktail she must take every few hours-everything from morphine to seizure medication. She also weighs barely over 11 pounds. I could tell you so many stories similar to this one from my time at Door of Hope. It amazes me what adults will do to children when they are desperate.

Please pray for this new baby, as she has just been transferred to hospice today. I'm not sure if she will be able to come back before I leave, but I trust that now she is being well-cared for. It is crazy to me that I only have a week left before I return to America. I will never forget these children, my African babies.

All to Him,


  1. wow Emily. That's so tough. Somehow in it all God is still good and can change their stories. I'll be praying for all of that. Rest in God today. He is your peace.

  2. As I read your post about this child, now I get a better sense why James says Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and not letting the world corrupt you. Your African babies are changing your life! I love you and I'm praying for you!
