Monday, June 8, 2009

adoption day.

Today I had an incredible experience. I was able to travel to Pretoria with two beautiful baby boys to meet their adoptive family. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I am so, so grateful that I got to see the "final product," per se, of why I'm here. This adoption agency is called Abba Adoptions, and it is a Christian adoption agency. They match Christian homes up with babies from a few places in South Africa and other countries.

When Steph and I got to Pretoria, we fed the babies and changed them into their "going away" outfits. They looked so cute! I took a LOT of pictures haha. The first couple that we gave a baby to was a "first time" family. They didn't have any children, and they had never adopted before. I walked in ahead of Steph (who had the baby), and when I saw the looks on the parents' faces, I just about lost it. Here they were, after having waited for so long (at least one or two years) for this child, having prayed for this child, and waited some more...finally getting their baby. Steph said it best when she said, "It's an incredible experience, because normally only God gets to give babies. Today, WE get to give one away." The parents were so excited! As soon as we gave them their new son, they both just kindof buried their faces into his little body, cuddling and kissing him.

Before we gave the babies to their new families, I had the chance to take each of them and pray over their lives. I was just struck with what a miracle it was that they were alive, well, and how God had so obviously been watching over them in their short life. One of the babies had come through the baby bin, and I was particularly drawn to him. What an amazing testimony of God's faithfulness to turn this baby's future around, take what the enemy meant for harm, and turn it into a beautiful story of adoption and a family who loves him and has waited and prayed for him! I couldn't stop smiling in the placement room as I watched these brand new parents get acquainted with their new son. I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of this!!

Regular work is also going well. I love going to see the kids! One of the boys is teething, so he's a little cranky, but that also means that he is extra cuddly, which is just fine with me. This is him here (I'm allowed to post photos as long as you can't see any defining features of the child):

Well, I will update again later! I hope you are all doing well!

All to Him,


  1. That is so awesome Emily. What a great thing to see. God is so good!

  2. Hi Em. What an awesome story about the adoption! I agree that the emotion would be overwhelming. What a blessing to be a part of changing this couples life forever!

    Where were the new adoptive parents from? How often do adoptions happen?

    Love you, Dad

  3. Emily,
    I've said this before and I'll say it are going to be an amazing Mommy someday. You're a natural. I'm so glad that you got to experience the adoption - I was crying just reading it! Big surprise, eh??
    xoxoxo to you...
    aunt kate.

  4. Emily,

    I love reading your blog to see what you're up to. That adoption story was really touching. That's so neat you could be a part of it. It sounds like you've already learned so much, I can't wait to see what the rest of your trip brings.


  5. Wow, Em...what a special experience for you! I have really been praying God would bring you into the deep parts of His heart while you're over there and the spirit of adoption is so central! Cool that you got to experience it, as Steph said, from His point of view. I'm so excited for you! ~Beth

  6. Em, that is so incredible! I'm so happy for these babies and that you can be a part of this moment in their lives. Incredible...

