Friday, June 5, 2009


Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all of your comments!

To answer a few questions...

Stephanie-I have made lots of PB&J sandwiches, some Tuna Helper (HAHA), a ham and cheese panini, and some chicken with corn (of course-my favorite vegetable) and red curry sauce. It was SO SPICY!

Hannah-I have two favorite moments of the days that I work. The first is when I wake up the kids from their naps...they are so cuddly and precious in those times! Also, I love the end of the day when we put on a Baby Einstein-like worship video for kids where I sing worship songs, hold the kids, and watch the sun set through the window. It's indescribable.

So now for my update. :)

On Wednesday, Rach and I went back to church because Brian Doerkson was leading worship! He's the guy who wrote "Come, Now is The Time to Worship" and "Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)." Isn't that awesome?? It was so amazing to be able to worship with everyone at church. I had been getting pretty tired, but that was just the thing I craved after three days of work with the babies.

One of the songs that we sung at the end had a line that went "I was an orphan, You adopted me." That line just struck me so much, because I realized that I am not this awesome person caring for orphans in South Africa, but I AM an orphan. We are ALL orphans! Thankfully, Jesus loved us enough to adopt us into His eternal, royal family. I was just so taken aback by that realization, and love that it provides me with something I have in common with every child here! Even though our backgrounds are different, our languages or accents are different, our ways of life are different, or even the colors of our skin are different...God loves us each the way we are. And He loves these children even more than I do. I pray each time I'm with the children that God would just take ahold of their lives, and that He would use the circumstances the enemy meant for harm for such GOOD.

Be blessed.

All to Him,


  1. That is so great to hear. I pray God continues to encourage you on this trip!!!

  2. Ok, I still love you and I'm still ignorant of technology.
    BUT why was Brian Doerkson down at your church?? What church is this?? Crazy!

  3. Leslie,

    It was Rosebank Union Church! Brian Doerkson was in the area or something, and he agreed to lead worship at the church!! Pretty awesome! :)

    <3 Emily
