Monday, June 29, 2009

holy spirit moments.

Hi everyone! As a warning, this will be a short post. I am running out of time during my "tea break," which really means "gross instant coffee and peanut butter toast break" to me.

God is so good. I was able to go to church yesterday morning and night, which was so awesome. It's a bummer when you work the weekend and can't go to church, so I am always grateful when we're able to go! There was a visiting pastor/missionary there, and he was SO AWESOME. He was talking a lot about the power of the Holy Spirit and how, as Christians, we all have access to that power. Because we have Jesus inside of us, and if we pray for the Holy Spirit to dwell more richly inside of us (sometimes called the baptism of the Holy Spirit), we are able to operate in the supernatural and in the miraculous. This has been my prayer since coming to Africa, thus it was so timely.

I had been feeling really down all day yesterday, so I was glad to be able to go back to church at night to hear this man speak again. I went up for prayer at the end, and Noelle (one of the elders who is really sweet) was praying for me. She put both her palms on mine, and lifted up my hands and told me to praise God for who He is. It was such a Moses moment-do you remember that story in the Old Testament? The Israelites were in the middle of a battle, and as long as Moses (at least I think it was him, haha) had his hands raised to God, they would be winning the fight. Moses started to get tired and his hands kept dropping. Every time his hands dropped, the Israelites would start to lose. His friend (Aaron?) came over and stood in the gap for Moses, helping him continue to raise his hands by holding them up over his head for him. That's what it felt like for me when Noelle raised my hands up-I had been feeling so down and tired and just blah...and immediately when she helped me raise my hands, I had to take this HUGE breath in, like I was breathing in the power and strength of Christ to help me through. It was awesome.

Africa is awesome. I am loving every minute, and I am so grateful that God has placed me here. I can only hope that He will call me back again.

Quick shout-out: Hannah, I hope your dance recital went well!!! I'm sure you looked beautiful!!! :)

All to Him,


  1. Hey Em! That's awesome that you got to church and hear that pastor. Yes- my recital went SUPER well! It was so much fun- and I stayed up on pointe in every show! (That's my fav. class) I love you and am praying for you! Love your fav. hermana- *Hannah*

  2. Hey, it's so amazing to see God work timely in your life. God is the banner over you. Walk in the inheritance He has given you!

    In Christ, Josh
